Sunday, October 15, 2006

Upper Saloon

On the bus home today there was a guy sitting in the seats in front of me watching hardcore pornography on his mobile phone. He sat sideways on both seats, laying out, with his earphones quite audibly blaring out the various moans etc. He held his phone conspicuously at eye level, not a care in the world who else was around. I was reading a magazine, sitting right behind him.
I didn't quite know how to react. Smokers on the bus I can easily deal with, they evil disributers of death, and I have my mind firmly made up on them. But this was something different. Part of me wanted to roll up my magazine and hit him over the head with it, tut tutting down its barrel. Then I thought, well I suppose he's not hurting anyone, and to be honest its a little sad. He got off at my stop, I was unaware I was living in pervert ground zero.
I suppose, new technology constantly throws up new frontiers of what is acceptable and what is not. For instance, I have a problem with people texting someone on their mobile phone while engaged in conversation with me, or someone, while in mid conversation, answering their phone (without appology) and starting a new chat while muggins here sits in silence watching his tea go cold!
People find their own personal standards on this new polite frontier, and I guess personaly, I must be cool with someone watching porn on his/my bus ride home. Maybe I would have drawn the line if he had gotten his cock out though.

I've recently moved my blog to myspace

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