Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Age of Information

Recently I found myself at a dinner party where the conversation got round to discussing this very blog. 1 or 2 of the diners had read a few entries and were keen to discuss the ideas further. After a while I found myself having to defend what I had put on the blog. My empirical fellow diners wanted things like research and reliable sources to back up what I had posted. The more they quizzed me the less I was able to justify what I had written. They poh poh'd and gafah'd my little blog until all it seemed was a baseless collection of misinformation.
And they were right, that's exactly what it is.
But, by God, that's what makes it so great!
The great thing about blogging is that you can say any old crap and post it on the internet for everyone to see and read and believe. The internet doesn't ask for a bibliography. The web has no time for footnotes, and neither do I!!
When the internet was new and everyone was hopeful, people thought we'd soon be living in a hyper age of information, where fact was king and rumor, superstition and ignorance would be banished to the darkest tiniest recesses of the world, or at least places with dial-up.
Its true, we do live in the information age, and it is great. All the libraries of the globe are at my fingertips. I can perceive the tiniest movements of the world in real time.
But what I think is really interesting is that the information age is actually vastly more about incorrect information then it is about facts.
Previously bad ideas usually never ventured further then the head of the gobshite who thought them up. These bad ideas can now be proliferated through-out the world before anyone has even the time to think about cross reference his sources.
I'm still personally astounded by the amount of blogs/websites dedicated to creationism.
So welcome to the information age, don't believe a thing.
In the spirit of this I will finish with a few completely false, that I've just thought up, statements for you dear reader to take with you and proliferate as you wish.

People under 5'2" don't tidy up after themselves in McDonalds. They find the yellow "wet floor" men derogatory.

Elephants can put their trunk up their arse to become a fast rolling gray ball to quickly escape predators.

Snow is gods dandruff

If you hold a buttercup to your chin and it glows yellow it means you like butter. However if your chin doesn't glow yellow you're probably more fond of polyunsaturated spreads, and as a consequence have less greasy (and therefore less reflective) skin.

When you die and go to heaven, you can ask to see your room first and if you don't like it you can get a free upgrade.

The Inca's built a vast and sophisticated empire without ever discovering the wheel (this one is actually true)

I've recently moved my blog to myspace

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