Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Lecture

"... and in conclusion, the earth is indeed flat, it is our spherical eyeballs that perceive it as round!", di Bondoni concluded his lecture with a sense of self satisfaction and relief. A ripple of applause from the attendees voluntered itself. This was done more to relieve the possibility of the old man standing in silence after his closing arguement, then in any kind of admiration. Di bondoni grinned and nodded his thanks while tidying his papers and drawings, he toyed with the idea of bowing to his meger audience but thought better of it given the 20 or so attendees were already gathering themselves with the intention of leaving the creaky theatre.
Dispite the grumbled shufflings of his fellow attendies Della Francesca remained, still absorbing the ideas di Bondoni had put forth. His jaw resting on his fist, he allowed his eyes to drift around the arch of the tirred room. The day was drifting away in a red and golden swansong, through the dark wood framed window the last rays of the sun shot themselves over the tuscany hills and bathed di Bondoni in a warmth he had not recieved from his peers.

I've recently moved my blog to myspace

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