Tuesday, June 26, 2007

1.21 Jigawatts!!

So timetravel! What a great subject. So whats my take on it (well today anyway). The important thing to remember is that we all have our own time machine, thats right! Although conspicuously lacking in flux capacitors the human body careers forward through time at approximatly one second per second.
Although its great and very fair that we are all walking around in our own time machine the trouble is that everybody's is set to the same speed and appears to be stuck to the "Future" setting. How frustrating.
Although everybody's time machine gets the usual wear and tear from use even when we get sick the time travel function rarely breaks down.
So how does time travel work then? and will there be Morlocks? Easy, goes something like this;
"Lets go into the future!" "How?" "Eh...just wait around"
As everybody is stuck at the same time travel speed, the best we can hope for, to get one up on our time travelling companions, is to alter the perception of time. Not so much that we will jump ahead of them in time but get to the same point in what appears to be a quicker (or slower) passage of time.
Heres how it works;
Fill a kettle full of water. Make your mate watch it while you busy yourself having fun. When the water has boiled you will have gotten to the future quicker then he has, HA!! Rub his nose in it for a while and then bury the hatchet with a nice cup of tea or coffee.
So lets extrapolate. Say you're waiting for your favourite crappy bus and its cold out and you've been there for ages and it just won't come!, If you could somehow get everybody in the world watching a boiling kettle, possibly including the bus driver, while you don't, then the bus should, by all scientific reason, be there quicker! and full of Morlocks!! nice one.

I've recently moved my blog to myspace

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