Saturday, June 02, 2007

In The Future

In the Future science will be more complicated, it will explain everything and there will be no need for God
In the Future science will be more complicated, more people will need God

In the Future sea levels will rise due to global warming
In the Future there will be more room for fish

In the Future we will all want our own hover car
In the Future owning hover cars will be so highly taxed we will all have to settle for cramped hover buses

In the Future stem cells will help paralysed people to walk
In the Future some people will never be born to help paralysed people to walk

In the Future people will not have enough freedom and we will be living in a police state
In the Future people will not have enough freedom because there are not enough police

In the Future everyone will plug into technology via microchips in their brain and access information
In the Future technology will plug into our brain via implanted microchips and access information

In the Future terrorists will make the world a more dangerous place
In the Future a dangerous world will make more terrorists

In the Future there will be no need for money
In the Future no one will have any money

In the Future a police state will be assembled right under our noses
In the Future a police state will require a lot of hard work, determination and expense

In the Future everything will essentially be the same except tv's will be that bit bigger and wider
In the Future people will essentially be the same except that bit bigger and wider

I've recently moved my blog to myspace

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