So you know when you are just on a bus or walking down the street or even just having a nice sit down and then suddenly, out of no where a memory of when you made an absolute dickhead of yourself pierces itself into your brain.
This incident may have happened decades ago but the embarrassment you feel and the cringing and the self-loathing are very much happening right now.
How come I can’t remember the good times, the gems of my past that should be recurring and filling my life with joy? Oh no, it has to be the time I didn’t shake that persons hand and went in for a kiss and they didn’t want a kiss so it was just a kinda half hug, oh God, I’m such a dick!!!
It occurred to me that this is about as close to time travel as the human experience is going to get, these incidents are just as visceral and tangible to us now even though they happened in the past.
If only we could piggyback communications to our future selves on these moments of dickheadedness.
So next time you fall over in front of people your trying to impress or say something really homophobic in front of a gay person, even though your not homophobic and it was just a bad joke, that you only told to break the ice, oh God why did I have to open my mouth!!…. Anyway next time that happens, try as hard as you can to leave a message for your future self, whatever you want!
And years later you’ll be on a bus or walking down the street or even just having a nice sit down and it’ll happen and you’ll feel awful but then the message will arrive and you can say to your past self, “No Mars is still not colonised, can you believe it!” and at least get something positive out of the experience.
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