Jubilation … a civilian cheers as an Iraqi traffic policeman
fires his gun in the air to celebrate the Asian Cup win.
Photo: Reuters
I just think it’s so irresponsible to fire a gun in the air! I don’t care if you are a terrorist sympathiser who’s just claimed a victory over the West or a Mexican bandit extorting protection money from the local favella, it’s just not on!
Poor little Jose, spent his short life wrestling with staying in the village as his father and grandfather had, or leaving for the promise of America and breaking his mothers heart. That morning he had finally made his decision, “I will, I will go to America”, he said in Spanish.
For the last time he closed the door of the shack he had grown to manhood in, only muffling the sound of his mothers weeping. The long and dangerous journey across the border awaited him and for a moment he hesitated, but the new sun warmed his body, melting the doubt and filling him with glow of all possible futures.
At that precise moment Jose’s brains were exploded in a crimson splatter over every inch of the veranda.
In the next village some 19th century banditos were celebrating a wedding.
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